Covid-19 Update

December 16, 2020


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Guardians,


Today, the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District administration was notified by our nursing team that two staff members at the Wire Village School has tested positive for COVID-19.


Through our contact tracing protocol, we have identified and notified all families whose students have had close contact with the individuals who tested positive, as well as all staff members who had close contact.


The staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19 and anyone who had close contact with the individual will not return to the building for at least 14 days, unless they provide evidence of negative test results. As a result of these most recent confirmed cases within  our schools, I have consulted with the local and state officials and decided to pivot our entire regional school district to remote instruction through Friday, January 8th, 2021.  We are taking these steps due to the excessive number of close contacts, both staff and students.  In brief, the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District just does not have the capacity to operate effectively in a hybrid learning model.  


Primary symptoms of COVID-19 include shortness of breath, coughing, and fever or chills. Other symptoms include congestion, sore throat, diarrhea, abdominal pain, body aches, and loss of taste or smell. Please contact your school office if you begin to experience symptoms.


The health, safety, and well-being of our school community remains our top priority. We are following sound protocols aligned with expert health guidance to ensure we are doing everything we can to protect your health. We also want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of wearing masks, staying six feet apart from others, and regularly washing your hands.  And we ask you as parents, caregivers and guardians to continue to partner with us and support us in the mitigation of the virus.


We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide you with updates if any further steps are necessary. If you have questions or need to report a positive case of COVID-19, please contact Mrs. Carrie Cashman, Lead Nurse at (508) 885-8536 or




Paul S. Haughey, Ed.D.


Superintendent of Schools

Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District