All use of District grounds/facilities must be coordinated and approved through the Facility Use Coordinator. Applications must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to requested event dates to allow for coordination, approval and CORI background checks.
Community Use of District Facilities
The regulations highlighted below are part of the agreement between the requesting organization and the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District. For a complete listing of regulations, please refer to the Regulations Governing Use of Facilities attachment.
Applications must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to requested event dates to allow for coordination, approval and CORI background checks.
Applications must include all supporting documentation and are approved on a first-come, first-served basis.
Parking is permitted in parking lots only. Parking in designated fire lanes, on the grass, athletic fields or other marked areas is prohibited. Pets are not permitted on school grounds.
A custodian or other school staff member must be on the premises at all times when a school building is open. Staff is not responsible for supervising groups or activities.
Children must not be left unattended. Adult supervision by the contracted organization is required at all times to maintain control of the behavior of all participants and ensure that all participants remain in the designated area.
Any changes to approved time slots must be coordinated with the Facility Use Coordinator with advanced notice.
No area other than that approved for use on the application shall be used.
Application Requirements - What you need to provide
Requests will not be considered without the following:
Completed and signed Facility Use Application
Copy of requesting organization’s General Liability Policy (insurance coverage)
Proof of 501 (c) non-profit status, if applicable
Completed CORI Check form (with a copy of photo ID) for each adult representing the requesting organization that wishes to gain entry to school property
Signed copy of COVID19 Announcement (to acknowledge understanding and acceptance of restrictions)