Current Module
Module 7 – Construction
During construction, the District and its team continue to collaborate with the MSBA to report on the progress of the project and to confirm that it remains on schedule and within budget, and meets the expectation of both the District and the MSBA as defined in the Project Funding Agreement ("PFA"). Module 7 – Construction, provides information districts will need to: process Reimbursement Requests into the Pro-Pay System; reconcile its Total Project Budget in an Amendment to the PFA to account for the actual construction costs based on executed bid/Guaranteed Maximum Price ("GMP"); and submit change orders and GMP Contingency Expenditures consideration for eligibility using the Change Order Review Log and the GMP Contingency Log.
It is important that the district and the project team keep the line items in its budget as submitted in Pro-Pay aligned with the real costs being spent on the project. Inaccurate budgets can result in delayed reimbursements and disallowed costs. In order to align line items in reimbursement requests with Pro-Pay codes and the PFA, the MSBA provides several tools for the district’s use including: a sample standardized Schedule of Values; a PFA Bid Amendment Worksheet; and a Budget Revision Request.
In addition to keeping the budget up to date in Pro-Pay, the District must also maintain an up-to-date project schedule, submitted monthly by the OPM together with the OPM Report. Within two weeks of the District’s approval of the General Contractor’s or Construction Manager’s construction schedule, the project schedule should be updated to contain all of the schedule activities required by Module 4 – Schematic Design, Section 4.1.2, plus the additional enumerated Module 7 Schedule Activities. This project schedule must be kept up-to-date and submitted to the MSBA monthly with the OPM Report.
MSBA projects having a Chapter 74 program require a Chapter 74 Meeting.
Project teams are reminded that the DCAMM Standard Contractor Evaluation Form must be completed at fifty percent project completion and at final completion of the project. The District must also complete and file with the MSBA, the MSBA 50% DCAMM Notification and 100% DCAMM Notification. Please see Project Advisory 75 for more information on MSBA DCAMM Notifications.
Please note, the awarding authority (District) is responsible for monitoring the Contractor’s compliance with Massachusetts prevailing wage requirements pursuant to M.G.L. c. l49 §§ 26 to 27H inclusive, and, pursuant to the terms of its contract, the Owner’s Project Manager is responsible for assisting the awarding authority with such monitoring, including cataloging and filing payroll affidavits.
The following documents are available to assist the District: