NOTICE: Effective 3/28/2022, all student registrations will be done online.
Enrollment is now open for the 2024-2025 school year.

If you would like to register your child to attend the Spencer East Brookfield Regional School District, please click the SEBRSD Pre-Registration Form link to begin the student registration process for your child(ren). This form is for all new, returning and School Choice students. Once your form has been submitted and reviewed, you will receive an email from SEBRSD with instructions on setting up a PowerSchool account. You will need to create your account to be able to enroll your child.
The following documents are also required to register your child into the district:
Copy of the Birth Certificate
Medicals (including most recent physical and Immunizations)
Two forms of Proof of Residency
Transcripts from previous school (for grades 9-12)
Once you have created a PowerSchool account, you will receive a verification email that requires you to click the link to verify/activate your account. Once verified, you can login to your account and click on FORMS from the Navigation menu to the left. Across the top of the screen, you will select ENROLLMENT to find the forms that you will need to complete, starting with the DEMOGRAPHICS form first. Starting with this form will allow you to effortlessly transition from one form to the next until all required forms have been completed. If you miss any forms, we will email you and ask that you kindly go back and fill them out to complete the registration process.
School Choice
Please note that if you are applying for School Choice, all online forms must be completed and required supporting documents must be submitted in order to be considered. Applications are not typically reviewed for approval until just before the start of school because enrollment for in-district students takes place all summer and we need to accurately gauge what our enrollment numbers will look like to determine if there is space available in each grade to open them up to School Choice applicants. At that time, all School Choice applications are reviewed for approval. It is highly recommend that applications are submitted as soon as possible to be placed on the list as they are date/time stamped in the order in which they are received.
In-Office Enrollment (for access to kiosk to complete online registration forms)
Please note that if you do not have access to the internet or a computer or device that accesses an internet browser to complete the forms, we have a kiosk set up inside the Student Services office at David Prouty High School for families to use. You can call or email the District Registrar to schedule an appointment to come in to complete your application using the kiosk. An appointment is required so that we can ensure a staff member is available to assist you and to approve your pre-enrollment form at the time, which allows you to move on to the next step and create your account to begin completing the forms. The office is open for appointments Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm.
Please call 508-885-8515 (opt. 7) or email to schedule an appointment.
Homelessness | Foster Care | Military Transitions
For students that are experiencing homelessness and/or who are in foster care, as well as those experiencing a military transition, all registration forms must be completed but supporting documentation requirements may be waived to prevent any interruption to the student’s access to an education.