8th Grade Supply List

Grade 8 Student Supply List

Combined Supplies
● Agenda, Assignment Book or way to keep track of assignments/homework/tests/etc.
● “To Do” Pocket folder for assignments, homework or other papers to be brought home
● Maintained and Charged School Supplied or Personal Chromebook
● Headphones/Earbuds
○ IMPORTANT NOTE: Phones, headphones, or any other similar devices are NOT
ALLOWED in the 8th grade classrooms unless directly authorized by a teacher
for a specific assignment.

● Either individual, or one large binder, with paper and pocket dividers for loose papers to
be organized within the binder(s) for the following classes;
○ Civics
○ Math
○ Science
Individual Classes
● Civics


● Math
○ Notebook
○ Pencils
● Science
○ None

Donated Classroom items such as Tissues, Disinfecting Wipes, Hand Wipes, Pencils, etc. are
always appreciated.