Faculty Spotlight: We are pleased to introduce Leighanna Williford, who has joined our Grade 2 Teaching Team! Welcome Mrs. Williford to our Village! #WireVillageRocks #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @MASchoolsK12 @massteacher @MASCSchoolComm
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Faculty Spotlight
Deb McColl has been with Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District (SEB) for thirty years. She has been in special education her entire career with the district. Most recently, Deb has been a key stakeholder in the preschool program, housed at East Brookfield Elementary School. Deb had a new vision of how to improve the Early Childhood Center to help meet the needs of all students. With the new improvements, Deb has been the leader in the creation of a new preschool classroom for students with significant needs. As well, Deb has been a pioneer for the promotion of inclusivity for all students with disabilities. Currently, Deb is a team chairperson for Early Intervention and Pre-K-6; and for the reasons outlined above, she is our Student Services Staff Member of the Month for September 2020! Thank you Deb for all of due diligence and your dedication to the Spencer-East Brookfield RSD! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
SS Staff of the Month
We are pleased to introduce Mrs. Rebecca Durant, who joins our Grade 1 team at the Wire Village School this fall. Mrs. Durant started with us last spring as a Kindergarten Teacher and is now working with first graders. #WireVillageRocks #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
New Hires
Mrs. Leach & Mrs. Prioux are the Knox Trail MS "Staff of the Month" for September 2020 as a result of their diligence; attention to detail; support of staff, students & families. They are great teammates & we cannot thank them enough for all they do for our learning community!
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
KTMS Staff of the Month
Our administration, faculty and staff members of the month for September 2020 are a plenty and proof positive that It really does takes a village! 9/1/2020: A special thanks to KT and DPHS for sharing paraprofessional support staff with our school as well as our nurse and some program and service staff to help us welcome back students to school Hybrid style! Almost immediately, they felt like family to us! Our entire staff has stepped up to the plate in embracing the, sometimes challenging technology and especially in providing a safe and welcoming environment for ALL students, remote or hybrid! Our parents and families have also been patient in the process, offering us valuable feedback and input. 9/8/2020: To Kaye Spence, our lead secretary, and Melanie Ethier, our Assistant principal- For reorganizing and rewriting schedules and class lists as necessitated by district changes and keeping parents informed via social media platforms. 9/15/2020: To Parwana Salih, one of our office staff members, and the entire Technology department- for orchestrating, cataloguing and distributing technology to students and offering support to parents alike. 9/22/2020: To our Title Team (Particularly Matt Meyerdierks, Melanie Fontaine and Lisa Olson) in supporting our remote classroom students in the absence of a designated remote teacher. 9/29/2020: To Kim Kates, a veteran fourth grade teacher at our school as she was recognized by a new staff member and community member for being patient, friendly and calm with students and welcoming new staff. #WireVillageRocks #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Wire Village Staff of the Month
Today is World Smile Day 2020! "A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose. - Tom Wilson
almost 4 years ago, SEBRSD
World Smile Day
Tom Cheney is the East Brookfield Elementary School Staff of the Month for September 2020! Mr. Cheney has been a custodian at East Brookfield Elementary School for about 8 years. He worked extremely hard as a part time custodian, and when a full-time position became available, Tom was the obvious choice. From Day One, Tom’s work ethic was clearly evident. When he is given an assignment or project, his response is not “I’ll get to it.” His response is to get it done almost immediately. Since coming to EBE, I have never received one complaint from a staff member saying their room was not cleaned the night before or was not ready for students to enter in the morning. During the summer months, Tom makes sure everything is ready for opening day, even during times of being short staffed. This is a testament to Tom’s commitment to his job and to our school. Above all else, Tom always has a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. He has great relationships with our staff and is well liked and respected by all. Congratulations to Mr. Cheney, our Staff of the Month for September 2020! @MASchoolsK12 @massteacher @MASCSchoolComm #EBEEaglesRock #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Staff of the Month
Kelsey Grey is the David Prouty Hogh School Teacher of the Month for September 2020! Ms. Grey, our music teacher, band director, and resident Schoology expert, is a graduate of Westfield State University. Before coming to Prouty in the summer of 2019, she taught in Otis, Massachusetts. Ms. Grey plays the flute and the piccolo, and she LOVES Starbucks Coffee! Ms. Grey was selected due to her unwavering commitment to her students and her colleagues. We appreciate her work transitioning our music program to remote learning in the spring, her efforts on our Class Day video, her transition to a socially distanced Band Camp, and her ongoing devotion to our Marching Band. The Prouty faculty appreciates her help with Schoology. Currently, Ms. Grey is planning the Halloween Highway event with the Music Boosters and the band students. We truly hope that every family in the community will come out on October 30 to take part -- courtesy of our Teacher of the Month!!!
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Staff of the Month
Thank you Melody Miller of AA Transportation for all you do in providing safe transportation to our students! Safely transporting students is our first priority - together! #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @maschoolsk12 @MASCSchoolComm
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
AA Transportation
AA Transportation Planning
Everywhere we go, there is teaching and learning happening! (And snack, you cannot forget snack time). #WireVillageRocks #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @MaSchoolsk12 @MASCSchoolComm
almost 4 years ago, SEBRSD
Wire Village School
Wire Village School
Wire Village School
Wire Village School
Keeva is all smiles today and making a new friend everywhere she goes! #WeLoveKeeva #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
almost 4 years ago, SEBRSD
Our October meals menu has been posted to the website. Check it out! http://spencereastbrookfieldma.apptegy.us/o/sebrsd/page/menus--290 For remote learners and at-home children ages 0-18, be sure to pre-order meals for pickup each week using the google order form: https://forms.gle/NQfYjrHfvXp8z8RN6
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Pervier
Attention SEBRSD Families: Please read the latest guidance from the Health Services Department regarding family responsibilities for health and safety during COVID-19. Click here to view: https://5il.co/lfx5
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Pervier
Health Services
The David Prouty HS Guidance Gazette Issue No 2 / September 24, 2020 can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x5-2AwLiEZLfk0uGIOommMJ5OG2WBjHi/view #ProutyPride #Progress #Unity #Knowledge
almost 4 years ago, SEBRSD
DPHS Guidance Gazette
David Prouty's Principal Newsletter for October 2020 can be found here: https://www.smore.com/cae0q
almost 4 years ago, SEBRSD
Prouty Principal's Newsletter
Menus for next week have been posted! Menus are always available on our website: https://www.sebrsd.org/o/sebrsd/page/weekly-menus. For remote learners and at-home children ages 0-18, click here to pre-order meals for pickup: https://forms.gle/NQfYjrHfvXp8z8RN6
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Pervier
9.28-10.2 Regular Menu
9.28-10.2 Gluten Free Menu
9.28-10.2 Vegetarian Menu
Teaching & Learning with Purpose! Mr. Miller leads an Advanced Placement Psychology lesson remotely earlier today at David Prouty High School. #ProutyPride #Progress #Unity #Knowledge @maschoolsk12 @mascschoolcomm
almost 4 years ago, Paul Haughey
Remote Teaching AP Psychology w/Mr. Miller!
Here are the menus for next week(9/21-9/25). Notice that we now offer gluten-free and vegetarian menu options, as well! Meals can be pre-ordered through our online google form here: https://forms.gle/NQfYjrHfvXp8z8RN6
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Pervier
Vegetarian menu 9.21-9.25
Menu 9.21-9.25
Gluten free menu 9.21-9.25
Welcome back SEBRSD! We will be handing out meals @ Knox Trail Middle School from 9am to 1pm. Pick up meals for today and Wednesday! We will be back on Thursday for Thursday and Friday meals. Walk/drive ins are welcome! To pre-order click here: https://forms.gle/NQfYjrHfvXp8z8RN6
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Pervier
Welcome back
Bus routes for Wire Village and East Brookfield Elementary Schools have now been posted to our District website. They can be located here: https://www.sebrsd.org/o/sebrsd/page/bus-routes--241. For any questions, please contact our Transportation Department at 508-450-6917​.
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Pervier
Bus Transportation